
Albert Brecher

Life without fingers
Ruth Deutschmann
Benjamin Epp
The military must, as I have shoot and shoot, even though my father has told me how this happened: "He needs at least not in the military." But I wanted to be a full human being. But the rash has not gegben because I can? I have written beautiful, so written Gothic script. And had the teacher, who has a murder pity, because I lost the finger. Since I have to start with the left hand to write. But that is gone once again, that I have been writing with the back and shoot anything and can not. And how do I then went to customs, as I said, because: "Yes, yes, you can not shoot" and so on. Where can I said, "Now I have to shoot four and a half years and why should I now can not?" And the customs, since I am also been one of the best shooters, Where ever we have had another shooting or have shot biathlon race at 100 meters on the discs, to roof tiles and balloons, so with about 20 centimeters in diameter.